Many dentists are missing and not treating an extremely common disorder affecting a large number of patients. Over 34% of adult patients are suffering with snoring, sleepiness and obstructive sleep apnea. This seriously affects relationships, work performance and increases blood pressure, and heart diseases.
Oral Appliance therapy such as snore guard is now established as the best treatment for snoring and the main treatment for Sleep Apnea. Since this therapy has been validated at the highest level, there has been an increasing demand for these services and a dentist is uniquely positioned to provide these services.
Including this therapy into your practice will greatly contribute to the health of your dental patients and will become a new source of revenue for your practice.
Organizing sleep studies for your patients is a key part of a successful practice. Dr. Payam Ataii and his team will train and assist you in setting up a system for screening and diagnose your patients. They will teach via their courses simple and effective steps for incorporating this valuable service into the dental practice, covering all the latest concepts in Oral appliance therapy such as snore guard based on the most recent published studies.
Every course is designed by Dr.Payam Ataii and is aimed to give the dentist all the tools and support to start practicing immediately. They also provide ongoing support, clinical forms and patient education materials for all participating dental teams.
Every dental practice trained so far under the guidance of Dr. Payam Aatii agrees that once the system and protocols are established dental sleep becomes an enjoyable part of their practice.
What are you waiting for? Enroll for the course today and see your practice grow.